Gonvarri Steel Industries & Gestamp Renewables Alliance with LQDVI Non Profit Fundation

Gonvarri Steel Industries & Gestamp Renewables Alliance with LQDVI Non Profit Fundation

The LQDVI non-profit Foundation aims to promote human, ethical and moral universal values ​​that are aligned with the values our founder ​​bequeathed us:  Honesty, Humility, Tenacity and Work.

Last year, Gonvarri Steel Industries and Gestamp Renewables began their collaboration with LQDVI non-profit Foundation, and many members of our team had the opportunity to attend the conferences in Madrid, Barcelona y Lisbon.

To reinforce its commitment, Gonvarri Steel Industries and Gestamp Renewables officially formalized this collaboration becoming allied entity of the Foundation.

This means we are supporting the foundation in all its projects, and we can get tickets for our employees, friends and family for all the congresses.


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