Emotional Driving, what motivates us to drive safely?

Emotional Driving, what motivates us to drive safely?

More than 72% of work accidents aren’t at the workplace, but on the road: during worker’s round trips. However, the majority of the Road Safety initiatives do not set its focus on these trips. This is the reason why Gonvarri launched, a year ago, the initiative Emotional Driving, centered on the reasons through positive messages which encourage us to drive in a safer way each day.

Today, during the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, Gonvarri launches the “Emotional Driving, The Book”, a book that narrates a series of inspirational stories about the need to drive safe and the reasons behind it. The book presentation will take place the next 10th of June at the Book fair in Madrid and is already available through the Emotional Driving mobile APP at the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android). As well as counting with a YouTube trailer.

The book has served as reference for the production of a four chapter web series starring four of the book’s authors, presenting today its trailer and first chapter, which narrates the shocking story of Sonia Prieto, a Gonvarri employee that suffered an accident just before giving birth.

Several known celebrities and institutions have joined the initiative, such as Spanish rally driver Carlos Sainz or AESLEME, the Association for the Study of Spinal Cord Injuries. The driver assures that “every action in favor of road safety, prevention, raising awareness, is more than welcome. Because this is continuous fight.

Emotional Driving started as an initiative just for the company employees, but due to its success and high participation levels and commitment, it showed that it was a sensible topic from which it became necessary to raise all population’s awareness.

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