Gonvarri Steel Industries receives the IN Award 2015 from LinkedIn

Gonvarri Steel Industries receives the IN Award 2015 from LinkedIn
Yesterday, Thursday 18th of June, the first IN Awards ceremony took place, organized by the biggest professional network: LinkedIn. The purpose was to reward those companies that achieved major success in its social network.

8 awards were given out in different categories, distinguishing their excellent strategies and talent management development in the construction of the employer’s brand.

In the case of Gonvarri Steel Industries, LinkedIn granted them the award on Loyalty, in order to thank the client’s commitment that believed in the social network from its beginnings.

The rest of this first edition awards went to Securitas Direct (Prize on Transformation), Nationale Nederlanden (Employer Branding), BBVA (Innovation), Manpower (Strategy), Abengoa (Results), Ferrovial (Communication) and to Tecnocom (Best Team Selection).

We also seize the opportunity and invite you to join our LinkedIn corporate pages: Gonvarri Steel Services: Solar Steel, Automotive & Road Steel, GRI Renewable Industries and Gestamp Renewables: Gestamp Solar, Gestamp Wind & Gestamp Biomass, and remind you about the option of linking your LinkedIn profile in our corporate Intranet Leading the Change through the profile edition.

Congratulations to all the team of Gonvarri Steel Industries and Gestamp Renewables for this award!

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